Helping Fund Nonprofits Through Major
Culture-Building Events With
Local & Global Impact

How would your organization benefit from an extra
$30,000 to $100,000?
The Meals to Missions Foundation is a nonprofit fundraising partner to other nonprofit charities, schools, clubs and teams to help them raise significant money by involving their supporters in a powerful mission experience with both local and global impact. Our events can be conducted year-round with no weather impact; they involve packing 10,000 - 50,000 meals for hungry children and families and are distributed to both the local community and overseas, primarily into orphanages, schools, refugee camps and war zones.
Our founder developed this exceptional fundraising event through a consulting company that couples fundraising best-practices with an extraordinary indoor “mission trip” humanitarian experience. Approximately 500 of these events have been conducted, raising upwards of $30 million to date.
Most Meals to Missions events will raise between $30,000 and $150,000. Organizations typically use this money to:
• Fund immediate cash needs
• Fund special projects
• Fund equipment purchases
• Fund annual budget gaps
• Launch or re-energize larger capital campaigns

What are Meals to Missions Events?
A Meals to Missions (M2M) event is essentially a text fundraising campaign that culminates with a food Packing Party. It’s a “philanthropy event” that funds major needs through a peer-to-peer text fundraising campaign centered on the two most powerful words in all of fundraising: Personal Relationships.
People give to people they know and like – and they give even more generously when people they care about are involved in acts of helping others! Participants come together for a 4-hour meal packing event where they pack, seal and box 10,000 - 50,000 meals. The meals are then distributed to hungry children and families, both in that local community and in third-world countries or high-poverty areas of the U.S.

How it Works
A Meals to Missions event is like bringing an overseas "mission trip" into a gym or large room where participants experience the heart-impacting benefits of serving others around the world. The M2M Foundation brings the entire Event Package – from the ingredients and supplies for packing 10,000 - 50,000 meals to t-shirts, materials, training, coaching and a powerful text-fundraising technology platform. We guide our nonprofit partners' volunteer teams through the planning and fundraising process plus manage the meal-packing event and food distribution.
Why M2M Events Raise so Much Money
M2M events help organizations increase their fundraising effectiveness by providing an “Audacious Wow Factor" cause that energizes the hearts of both fundraising participants and donors. These events usually set the fundraising records of their host organizations, and in the process, generally produce 300 - 1,000 new donors. Donors come from all over the country, especially benefiting those organizations with small donor bases or those located in small towns or economically challenged communities.
See How it Works: The ADPi Sorority at Samford University Raises a Record-Setting $73,000!